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Top Federation Homes
Federation Homes of Fame
Ordered by Heritage & Value

Bona Vista

Bona Vista
Eulinya 48-50 Irving Road, Toorak VIC
Eulinya's well-preserved Federation Arts and Crafts-style house and gardens (48-50 Irving Road, Toorak, designed by Walter Butler) makes it one of the most historically and architecturally significant properties in Toorak.
Mr Lindsay Fox (also owner of Boomerang, Elizabeth Bay NSW) has owned the Irving Road property since the late 1970s. This is one of a few Toorak estates, owned by a who's who of Melbourne's business elite, which could command "circa $100 million", property sources said.
Eulinya is a superb combination of house and garden design that epitomises the underlying theme of Arts & Crafts architecture where the design of the house is at one with its garden setting.

Eulinya is regarded as one of Walter Butler‘s last and best designed large houses. It is well preserved externally, in terms of the street view, and prominently sited within grounds which also reflect Butler's landscape design preferences.
The garden reflects Butler's stated preference for formal, structured garden design that would eventually inspire Edna Walling and others.
This combination of house and garden design epitomises the underlying theme of Arts & Crafts architecture where the design of the house is at one with its setting.
"A superb combination of house and garden design that epitomises the underlying theme of Arts & Crafts architecture where the design of the house is at one with its garden setting and thus is particularly evocative of the architectural firm, W&R Butler's reputation for significant Arts & Crafts architecture and garden design."
Read more:
Eulinya and Garden - Victorian Heritage Database
Heritage blow for Fox's Toorak den - The Age 28 July 2003
Little Milton 26 Albany Road, Toorak
Little Milton is of architectural significance as an outstanding example of an Old English/Art and Crafts style, inter-war mansion.
Little Milton is was built in 1926 on two allotments subdivided from the former Whernside estate.
Its massing and detailing are skilfully executed and the house sits comfortably in its landscaped environs.
The house is the most important work of architect Muriel Millicent Stott who was one of only a handful of women architects working in Melbourne in the 1920s. It is also architecturally significant for its surviving landscape elements by Edna Walling the most celebrated landscape designer of the era.
The house was designed in the Old English/Arts and Crafts style by Muriel Stott (1889-1985) in association with the architectural firm Stephenson and Meldrum for the Moran family who were prominent in the grocery business.
It is claimed that Stott, whose family conducted a business college, modelled the house on Great Milton, a large residence in the Cotswolds.
The circa-1926, five-bedroom mansion at 26 Albany Road, said to be Toorak’s most expensive street, is at the north-east corner of Whernside Avenue.
A tennis court was installed recently atop a 12-car underground garage. Little Milton has an overall block size of 2476 square metres.
Little Milton was her largest commission and her last work in Australia before she emigrated to South Africa. The two storeyed house is of brick with ochred stucco. The roof is tiled. There is an attached garage to the north which forms an integral part of the design. The landscape design is by Edna Walling and features the extensive use of red brick paving.

Read more:
Nothing little about Milton, or its neighbours - MARC PALLISCOMAY 7, 2011
'Little Milton', Toorak - Victorian Heritage Database

Edzell House, 76 St Georges Rd Toorak
The heritage-protected Ezell mansion was built in 1892. It is a classic example of Queen Anne Revival but Elizabethan Revival (aka Tudor) is sometimes used.
Dame Nellie Melba performed private concerts in the grand ballroom of the 30-plus room mansion.
The property is listed on the register of the National Estate because of its association with Spivakovsky's father and Dame Nellie Melba.
The mansion's age as well as its outstanding architecture make it a Melbourne icon.
The architects who designed it were the highly respected Reed Smart & Tappin and on top of all of that, it was built for Melbourne mayor, James Cooper Stewart.

Externally, the house possesses extensive half-timbered gabling, Marseille-pattern tiles and terracotta ridging from this period, along with two asymmetricially placed turreted, corner towers facing the Yarra River.
There is a two-level timber verandah with Tudor styling.
Internally, the Dining Room remains near to original, with its panelled timber ceiling and dado which were executed in New Zealand Remu, embossed floral-pattern wallpaper, overdoors and the panelled timber mantel and overmantel with their carved enrichments.
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The house Dame Nellie sang in - MARC PALLISCONOV 16, 2011
Edzell House - National Trust, Victorian Heritage
Bona Vista, 59 Kensington Rd, South Yarra VIC
in 2010, one Melbourne’s most historically significant estates - ‘Bona Vista’ in South Yarra - traded hands for $10.5m, a low figure for its one acre of land at the end of prestigious Kensington Road.
Bona Vista is of state historical significance as ail example of a 19th century suburban Gothic Queen Anne mansion (built in 1885) with a tower still in a garden setting, although of later date.
Bona Vista has high architectural significance as an example of one of the earliest known examples of the use of the Queen Ann Revival style in Victoria, displaying an unusual combination of stylistic influences.
Located in spacious grounds (recently designed and planted), it is of aesthetic significance and has additional historical importance for its associations with the original Bona Vista (now named Grantham) which was also owned by the famous Hobson family.
The house is an early example of the Queen Anne revival style in which classical and medieval elements are freely and deliberately combined. Its overall form with its square plan and hipped roof is adorned with a Tudor gabled porch, and a classical pediment at the first floor level.
The corner tower suggests the French Renaissance and the windows vary from multiple pane Tudor to the flat arched classical type.
During the 1920s an addition to the western face of the building contained a large ballroom and lounge.
Read more:
Bona Vista - Victorian Heritage Database
Facebook: Great Historic Australian Houses & Rural properties. May 7, 2016

Redcourt House, Orrong Rd, Armadale
Armadale's Redcourt, one of Melbourne’s most prestigious houses, has been bought by Wendy and Anastasious Tasiopoulos from the Dr Tass cosmetic clinics.
Redcourt, built in 1888 by the merchant Edward Yencken, fetched $11.5 million according to documents lodged on its settlement last month.
It was sold by entrepreneur Adam Garrisson, who had bought the Queen Anne-style mansion in 2009 in a derelict condition from the state government.
The heritage-listed 3500 sqm property had been a residence for art and music students in the 1950s, but was abandoned in 1996.
Yencken, honoured as 'father' of the Melbourne merchants, sold the Joseph Reed-designed home in the 1890s to the mining entrepreneur, founder of BHP and member of Parliament, WR Wilson.
After Wilson came John Turnbull Esq, Western district and Queensland pastoralist, then Norman Falkiner, the grazier, racehorse breeder and politician, who engaged the architectural firm of Butler & Bradshaw to carry out extensive additions in 1914.
Redcourt at Orrong Road, Armadale, was listed in 2013, then 2014, selling late last year.
Redcourt is of state significance as one of the very earliest manifestations of a domestic Queen Anne Revival influenced mode in Melbourne.

A very grand and modern house for its time, it remains substantially externally intact and retains some of its original grounds, which reinforce the original design intent of its architects, the notable firm Reed Henderson & Smart.
The previously derelict 14-bedroom mansion in Melbourne's Armadale has been listed for sale with reported price hopes of $10 million plus.
The Queen Anne-style mansion at 506 Orrong Road was originally built in 1888 by glass and timber merchant Edward Yencken.
It was designed by architect Joseph Reed, also responsible for State Library of Victoria and the Royal Exhibition Building.
Redcourt was left to the elements from 1996 until 2009 when Melbourne investor Adam Garrisson bought and started renovating the property. A link below has photos of the property prior to the building's renovation.
For this project Garrison appointed John Warwicker of London art and design collective Tomato as creative director, Vogue Living reports.
Each room had a different creative professional working on it. Fashion designer Akira Isogawa worked on the music room, artist David Bromley worked on the children’s room, Warwicker worked on the Great Hall, artist Naomi Troski worked on a bedroom White Room, and Shannon Bennett worked on the kitchen.
It has a tennis court, servants' quarters, a coach house and a pavilion.
"I wanted to create an environment that fostered a cultural and artistic exchange," Garrisson told Vogue Living.
"Some people don't care about old buildings, but they are defining, contextualising and encase the character of a civilisation."
Read more:
Dr Tass buys Armadale trophy home, Redcourt after makeover - 21 January 2016
Formerly derelict Melbourne mansion listed with $10 million plus hopes- ALISTAIR WALSH | 24 SEPTEMBER 2013 (Includes pre-renovation photographs)
Melbourne dream homes to tempt the big spenders - Nicole Engwirda
Herald Sun NOVEMBER 28, 2014 -
Low-key quinella for lavish mansions - MARC PALLISCO, EMILY POWER OCT 31, 2015

3 Fulham Avenue South Yarra, Vic 3141
South Yarra trophy home sells for over $11 million
Sold on 15 May 2017 for $11,100,000
Locally Significant within Heritage Overlay HO140
Rocky's fruit and veg wholesaler Daniel D'Andrea has bought a grand Edwardian home in the sought after Como House precinct in South Yarra.
This light filled grand Edwardian family residence with return verandah and broad street frontage on two titles, the main title with two allotments with separate self-contained apartment, championship North South tennis court and pool set in stunning garden surrounds.

Comprising grand entrance foyer, formal lounge, separate dining, study, oversized kitchen, informal sitting room leading to West facing terrace, pool and tennis court, 5 family sized bedrooms including self-contained apartment, 3 ensuite bathrooms, main bathroom, store room, cellar, workshop, double car garage, heating.
In late 2016 the home next door was bought by Swisse vitamins chief executive officer Radek Sali for $12.5 million from Stokehouse restaurant owners Frank And Sharon Van Haandel, who have since bought the Toorak home of veteran caterer Peter Rowland.
Read more:
Victorian Heritage Listed - 3 Fulham Avenue South Yarra, Vic
Grand Edwardian Family Residence - Sales Listing and Photographs

Coomaroo, 63A Albany Road Toorak
Sold to property developer, and neighbour Len Warson for $8.4 million in 2007.
Resold on 22 Jun 2009 for $7,600,000.
Superb Villa Residence, known as “Wandai” and containing handsome entrance hall, three spacious reception rooms, four bedrooms, dressing room, servant’s hall, kitchen, two servant’s rooms, two bathrooms, scullery, laundry, larder, cellar, &c.
This is without doubt one of the most attractive, fully equipped, tastefully finished and lavishly appointed villas in Toorak, and occupies and exceedingly choice position, elevated, and in a select neighbourhood, within 6 minutes’ walk of the tram terminus.
"The (Kooyong Road) villas were usually of red brick, in a style known as Queen Anne, with a long passage connecting the rooms on either side and such was the one we rented. Their appearance was deceptive as they were surprisingly deceptive as they were surprisingly roomy inside and averaged 30 to 40 squares in floor space.
"Slate roofs were usual for large and small dwellings. French red tiles were popular but were seldom seen on mansions …"
"Whether in mansions or villas all rooms had high ceilings of fifteen to twenty feet and elaborate plaster mouldings executed by master craftsmen."
"Every room had a fireplace for burning black coal and mantelpieces were usually finished in exquisitely carved marble [typically in Victorian houses].
"Hand-carved woodwork was very popular and oak panelling was used extensively. Imported cedar, oak and red pine were used for interior woodwork until the less costly Tasmanian hardwoods became available."
'Cedar was often used for kitchen and pantry cupboards and other utility furniture, while mahogany, walnut and rosewood were always preferred for furnishing the main rooms. Then, as now, Australian red-gum was invariably used for fences. …"
- resident of the houses in Kooyong Road, Jim Paxton


63 Albany Road is a single storey, red brick villa, most likely tuckpointed, which was originally rectangular in plan but which is now L-shaped as a consequence of additions.
The rear wing, left of the pergola, originally projected as far as the wing to the right (east) and appears to have been extended.
There is an addition at the east end adjacent to Kooyong Road which is a garage and which appears to be semi-detached or minimally connected to the verandah.
The plan form is typical of a Federation villa with the main entrance from the side i.e. from Albany Road when the address was Kooyong Road;
octagonal foyer, canted bay and a turret at a prominent corner, creating a diagonal axis to the L-shaped plan.
The part of the house which is within the original plan form is the rumpus, dining, entry foyer (vestibule), living, laundry, powder and two bedrooms, the library and the meals area.
The north wall and bay window of what was most likely the original dining room, now the meals area, has been demolished.
The family room is an addition as is the deck and the double storey bedroom wing in the north-west corner. The rear wing in the south-west corner of the site is where the washhouse and closet were located.
The plan form expresses the hierarchy of the principal rooms i.e. the present dining and living rooms, vestibule and hallway all of which are emphasised by the ridges and the turret.
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Greystones 15 Park Street, Brighton VIC 3186
An impressive house and grounds
Sold for $7,250,000 in Nov 2012
NOT heritage listed
Just doorsteps from Middle Brighton Beach, "Greystones", Circa 1914, is a familiar presence in prestigious Park Street and is well known for its established English Gardens.
Set on 2,219m2 (23,888sqft) approx, with extensive entertaining facilities from a grass north-south flood-lit tennis court to an in-ground heated pool, separate spa, a sauna and studio with a gymnasium.
The interior perfectly balances the home's period originality with a sympathetic north-facing extension to offer extensive 5-bedroom, 5-bathroom plus a study family accommodation and more than a few surprises from a huge cellar to a roof-top retreat with spectacular views across the Bay to the city skyline.
Traditional formal living and dining rooms make a stunning first impression with their grand proportions and elegant detailing; while a vast north-facing living and dining area includes two living areas opening out to the terrace, and a dining area set beneath a vaulted ceiling.
The spacious kitchen is comprehensively appointed with granite work surfaces, stainless steel appliances and a walk-in pantry.


William Halsey house (Wee Nestie)
69 Broadway , Camberwell VIC 3124
Sold September 2012 for $6.25 million
Statement of Significance
Architecturally, a highly successful but partly altered Queen Anne style house, designed by its major practitioners (architects Ussher and Kemp), which is enhanced by the surrounding Queen Anne precinct and its corner siting.
Historically, considered with the nearby George Vial house (71 Broadway, a skilful variation on the Queen Anne villa style by architect Christopher Cowper), this corner is expressive of the rising middle classes born from the emerging secondary industries in Victoria, in this case the leather manufacturing trade.
As well as reflecting the subtle evolution of post-Federation house styles, most houses investigated in the Broadway were inhabited by the families of solid businessmen.
They represent the domestic style of the upper middle class, a group which most clearly led Camberwell's rebirth after the depressed 1890's: of local and regional importance.

Wee Nestie is placed askew on its owner site, it is aligned, unlike its neighbours, neither perpendicularly nor diagonally to the street.
A large indented gateway was at a comer splay in the allotment and an asphalt tennis court on the west of the house.
Architects, Ussher & Kemp, designed this nine room Queen Anne styled house for importer, William Halsey in 1900.
G. Garrett was the builder. Later owners included J.R Wood and P.R Kershaw; the latter converting, Wee Nestie to Karinyah private hospital in 1959.
Typically multi-bayed and verandahed in plan, the house is also one and two-storey height: using both two and three-dimensional variations to achieve an optimum picturesque composition.
A chimney shaft which bisects a roof gable-end is a device also seen at other Ussher and Kemp houses,(i.e. 5 Willsmere Road Kew), adorned here with a cement pediment which is typical of one of the style’s sources, the English Queen Anne.
Ussher had used this distinctive device much earlier, in the Cottage by the Sea, at Queenscliff (1892), also in the Foden house at Canterbury (1897).

Other typical Queen Anne attributes are present:
the half- timbered multi-gabling set against a high, hipped roof,
the Marseilles pattern roof tiles, red brick and stucco walls,
and an arcaded and slatted timber verandah.
Atypical however is Ussher and Kemp’s skillful and less frenetic placement of mass and openings to achieve their picturesque aims.
A new pavilion wing has been added to match on the eastern side and, although too close a replication of the original, it is far more successful than the unfortunate wing on the west. Mature shrubs and asphalt paving fit the period.
“Saw an amazing house with Mal this week at 69 Broadway in Camberwell. This is listed by Doug McLauchlan of Marshall White under an Expressions of Interest campaign, quoting $7m plus.
“We were not sure about this property from the outset – the main concern being that it did not seem to have any real ‘backyard’ area. Mal has a saying with these grand homes that ”they are bit like the Grand Lady without the fine skirt”, meaning that they don’t have the commensurate land where you want it in private areas ( ie the backyard) or land has been taken away or subdivided off, to complement the large house.
“The house is very good and has been wonderfully renovated; it has a fantastic feel internally and the rear yard area does seem to work quite well. The open plan living area is very good, and the way the kitchen can be screened off is very clever, I thought.”
Two storey brick Edwardian house in topographically dominant location with view across Queenstown and up the main street.
Iron hip roof with projecting gables over bay windows. Timber shingle infill to gable ends with attic windows.
Return verandah with timber columns. Good interiors.
Fine garden established 1900-all soil brought up to top of hill which was levelled for house.
Read more:
Australian Heritage - Penghana, 32 Esplanade, Queenstown, TAS
National Trust - Penghana Queenstown TAS

Sefton, 864 Mount Macedon Road, Mount Macedon VIC 3441
The historic garden estate Sefton at Mount Macedon has finally been sold by Gribbles Pathology founder Wallace Cameron and wife Joan.
Sold May 2017 for $5.25m PRIVATE TREATY
NOT Heritage listed
Sefton – A Gracious and Stately Country Estate Circa 1907
Grand Federation Arts and Crafts styled residence of 20 Beds and 18 Bathrooms
Built by the Baillieu family as a summer holiday home in the early 1900s, the 8.8 hectare English garden was laid out with obvious influences of the Melbourne Royal Botanic Gardens directors Baron von Mueller and W. R. Guilfoyle.
The estate includes a 910-square-metre seven bedroom 1907 Tudor-style Federation Arts and Crafts mansion, complete with a billiards room and a glass atrium sitting room.
It was designed by the architectural firm Sydney Smith and Ogg (NB no biography yet).
A four-green nine-tee golf course, tennis court, croquet lawn, heated outdoor swimming pool and helipad are surrounded by Capability Brown(?) style gardens.

Sefton is undoubtedly Macedon’s star attraction.
With 20 bedrooms – admittedly housed in three buildings on the 8.8 hectares of botanic garden-like grounds – the 1907 “heritage-listed” spread could possibly qualify as the top trophy property in the old hill station area where Melbourne’s 19th-century wealthy folk went to cool off through summer.
If not for the distant backdrop of eucalypt-covered ridges, Sefton could transport you to the realms of great English country house estates.
It has daffodils, early blossoms, a nine-hole golf course, a backyard tennis court, croquet lawn and kitchen gardens.
The House and buildings are NOT heritage registered; only the Garden of Sefton is listed with those of Mount Macedon Gardens Heritage as of High Significance.
Certainly, once behind that tall hedge, and having crunched quietly over gravel on the winding drive and past neck-stretching 100-year-old beeches, maples, oaks, cedars and the odd California redwood, visiting Sefton vividly recalls a more gracious time.
The weatherboard and multiple-gabled main house, a beautifully proportioned and craftsman-detailed (Federation Arts and Crafts) “Edwardian” (constructed of timber)weekender, was built by a Baillieu; specifically, by William Lawrence Baillieu (1859-1936), of the first Australian-born generation of that influential dynasty. By 1901 he was a politician in the Victorian Legislative Council.
His main house was in Camberwell, but early in the 20th century and taking up a site once occupied by Mount Macedon’s original guest house, he commissioned architectural firm Sydney Smith and Ogg(link: awaiting biographer) to design a retreat on a flattened hill in what is now known as “the Golden Mile” of Mount Macedon Road.
The house was passed down through the Baillieu family, to Lord (Clive) Baillieu of Sefton, and in the early 1980s (and under the auctioneer’s hammer of Baillieu Allard), it went out of private hands when it sold to Elders IXL, with John Elliott and his executives using it as a country getaway and conference centre.

The main 910 sqm homestead is a Queen Anne style mansion with seven bedrooms and is complete with billiard room, glass atrium sitting room and a former ballroom.
Among the Sefton grounds is a nine-tree gold course, tennis court and croquet lawn along with a heated outdoor swimming pool and helipad.
There had been no price nor buyer disclosure. However, the word is the keenest offer came from interests associated with Thomas Lindsey, a longtime Tait’s Warrnambool lawyer turned Pausewang Family Group counsel.
Its last marketing had the home expecting close to $7m, through JP Dixon in conjunction with John Keating at Keatings Real Estate.
Cameron paid $8,175,000 in 2005.
They asked for $12m when they listed in 2010.
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121 Kooyong Road Armadale, Vic
Sold on 02 Sep 2017 for $5,100,000
A Federation Armadale house sold for $5.1 million placing it among Melbourne’s most expensive weekend auction sales.
Located at 121 Kooyong Road, the 761 sqm property is a prized Munro Estate landmark.
The four-bedroom Federation-era home saw four bidders compete with the final price was significantly above reserve.
Built in 1900, it last sold for $800,000 in 1990.
It features a sitting room with bay window and gas fireplace as well as living room with open fireplace.

Exemplary Federation Elegance
A prized Munro Estate landmark with its distinctive spire, this glorious solid brick Federation residence's inestimable appeal is further enhanced by its exquisite period elegance, contemporary style and a picturesque northwest garden and pool setting on the corner of Glassford Street.
Absolutely stunning ceilings preside over the wide entrance hall and gracious sitting room boasting a bay window and gas fireplace.
An equally beautiful and spacious living room or retreat with open fireplace is bathed in northern light.
Timber floors flow through the sun-drenched living and dining room and gourmet European kitchen with stone benches while French doors open the living out to the private northwest landscaped garden with solar heated pool and BBQ.
Generous family accommodation comprises the gorgeous main bedroom with designer en-suite/bathroom and built in robe, three additional double bedrooms with built in robes and a stylish bathroom with spa bath.
Read more:
Sale listing and photographs - 121 Kooyong Road Armadale, Vic
Federation Armadale house sold for $5.1 million - 4 SEPTEMBER 2017
Croydon, 28 Kintore Street, Camberwell, Vic
Sold on 20 May 2017 for $5,020,000
A four bedroom 1907 Queen Anne Federation house at Camberwell has been sold for $5.02 million making it Melbourne’s most expensive weekend auction sale.
Located at 28 Kintore Street, Croydon is positioned in the highly-prized Tara Estate close to Junction shopping.
It last sold in 1994 for $650,000.
The century-old charmer has been brought into the 21st century with a recent renovation that keeps its period beauty intact on almost 900sq m.

An unforgettable union of old and new
Beautifully positioned in the highly-prized Tara Estate close to select schools and Junction shopping, breathtaking "Croydon" is a magnificent tuck-pointed Federation Queen Anne home.
Period grandeur and contemporary luxury exist in seamless harmony.
Imposing scale and exceptional beauty are showcased to perfection throughout impeccable original rooms and architecturally transformed contemporary spaces.
Immaculate private gardens. Family-flexible rooms plus charming summer-house (bathroom, kitchenette) ideal for garden entertaining or home-office use
Finished to the highest caliber with Wunderlich ceilings, ornate fireplaces, stylish bathrooms.
Reverse cycle air conditioning upstairs, BI BBQ, 800 bottle cellar plus ample secure OSP with front and rear garages/auto-gates.
Read more:
Sale Listing and photographs - 28 Kintore Street Camberwell, Vic 3124
Federation Camberwell house sold for $5.02 million - 22 MAY 2017