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Haberfield, the Garden Suburb
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Arts and Crafts influences on Federation Architecture
Building Haberfield, the Garden Suburb
Haberfield represents the first comprehensively planned ‘garden suburb’ in Australia, and one of the earliest manifestations of the ‘garden city’ movement in the world.
It was built on an area called the Dobroyd Estate, which by the late 19th Century was still in large part characterised by pristine bushland, and thus known locally as ‘Ramsay’s Bush’.
The Haberfield Estate was built according to rules (written covenants). These involved .
the strict separation of commercial from residential strips,
minimum lot sizes to ensure ample space between buildings,
one street tree in front of every house,
nature strips, green spaces and relatively wide streets
Begun at the time of Federation in 1901, Haberfield predates British examples of garden suburbs such as Letchworth (1904) and Hampstead (1907).
This visionary social experiment was so financially successful that it helped lock in the great Australian dream of the quarter-acre suburban block with dwelling, which has dominated how Australians seek to house themselves. [1]
There was a vision on the part of Stanton and his followers, that Haberfield would be the exemplar for a new Australia:
one in which the urban landscape promoted
health and
middle class prosperity.
This was in sharp contrast to the terraced, cramped, and stratified inner-city suburbs nearby.
When Sir Joseph Cook was Prime Minister of Australia, he said of Richard Stanton:
"I would rather have it said of me that I laid out and built a district like Haberfield on town planning lines, than be remembered as the Prime Minister of Australia." [0]
Haberfield was to be, as per the famous slogan,
‘slum-less, lane-less and pub-less’. [1]

"Slum-less, lane-less and pub-less"
The vision of the real estate entrepreneur and town planning advocate Richard Stanton involved the provision of infrastructure, including .
sandstone kerbs and gutters,
brushbox street trees,
buffalo grass nature strips,
sewerage, gas and electricity services.
Stanton's vision also included controls that laid the foundations for local government statutes governing suburban subdivisions –
side setbacks to enable access to natural light and ensure privacy,
minimum lot sizes and front building lines,
separation of land uses and specification of materials.
He also initiated vertically integrated business arrangements, providing
term finance,
building materials,
fixtures and fittings and
landscape gardeners. [1]
Beautiful Homes
Importantly, no one house was to be the same - each was designed uniquely by a supervising architect.
All homes would be beautiful yet modest,
limited to one storey, and
built in an architectural style that would later become known as the ‘Federation’ style.
Houses were individually designed by the company's architect,
From 1901, Mr D. Wormald
From 1905 usually John Spencer-Stansfield,
and anticipated accommodation for the motor car. [2]
Approximately 1500 houses were constructed in this and adjoining areas, about 1,000 of which were in Federation designs.

Images of newly built houses in the Haberfield estates from the Caroline Simpson Library & Research Collection.
This collection is of the history of house and garden design and interior furnishing in NSW.
It supports Sydney Living Museums’ work of interpreting and managing places of cultural significance in NSW.
This collection provides a specialist research resource for scholars, heritage and conservation practitioners, museum professionals, designers and tertiary students.
Not only a Land Sale
Stanton did not however, simply release lots to which such conditions applied; buying a house in Haberfield constituted the whole package.
Haberfield was a total package, intended for the rising middle class, within 30 minutes by tram or ferry to the centre of the city, and with a marketing slogan of being 'slumless, laneless and publess'.
Stanton & Sons would build the home, according to one’s preferences, but limited by the need for aesthetic continuity.
In order to ensure this, all houses in the Estate were designed by only one architect at any one time, with the design brief that ‘no one house was to be the same’.
1901-1904: Architect Mr D. Wormald - Early Federation:
Queen Anne Style; Turrets, cones as focal points, sashed windows, hooded gables, Oriental moon-gates, bow-fronted; Classical interiors
1905-1914: Architect John Spencer-Stansfield - Mid-Federation:
Arts and Crafts, Art Nouveau influences; roof cones placed at the ends of verandahs, flying gables, arched windows, oriental roof ventilators. Triple fronted houses common.
1915-1922: Architect? Late Federation
Timberwork in grids, not Art Nouveau curves; dominant Californian bungalow gable [3]
Houses in Haberfield were typically ‘detached’ double-brick dwellings situated on their own block of land measuring 50′ x 150′ (15 m x 45 m).
No two houses were alike, although there were many common themes throughout the suburb. The roofs were either slate or Marseilles tile.
All had front verandahs.
Haberfield Federation Styles
This meant that with the minimum build cost set at originally £400, buyers were limited to a respectable residence, in what is now described as the ‘Federation’ architectural style, but which actually represented to contemporaries three different choices:
‘Queen Anne’,
eg asymmetric, picturesque profile, red-brick walls, white-painted trim, sash windows, tall front gable(s) -
eg Shingle style, Bungalow style, - verandahs with a combination of timber and masonry columns, dominant low-pitched roof and gable. -
‘Domestic Gothic’.
eg Central Tower or Turret, multiple coloured upper window panes, extensive leadlight glass in doors and windows.
Other stylistic influences include:
Oriental, such as moon-gate entrances, circular leadlight windows, louvred ventilators, and rounded finials
Australiana, the sunrise pattern in gables, the birds and flowers of leadlight window designs, plasterwork design themes and fireplace decorative tiles
Arts and Crafts, such as dominant roofs, tall tapering chimneys, the use of roughcast on walls and chimneys, elegant timber joinery inside -
contributing to a general 'artistic' design characteristic -
Edwardian ornamental front garden design, easily viewed over low, open fences
The result of this vision was the first model of a ‘Garden Suburb’ in Australia, which was characterised by a generally integrated aesthetic that fielded -
an array of unique and asymmetric brick cottages,
all built artistically in 'Federation Style',
surrounded by gardens and greenery, which was importantly,
visible by virtue of low fences. [4]

Haberfield Cottage Design
In Haberfield each house is an individual design, although they all have stylistic links with each other:
Mostly asymmetrical, picturesque design
The massed building volume is at the front of the house
An Art Nouveau influence in the flowing, curving leadlight designs, the fretwork decoration, and decorative tiles featured on steps and fireplaces.
Australiana themes within and on the decorative exterior of the house.
Roof: Gabled, high-pitched made of slate or terracotta ridging with fineals, and tall chimneys.
Walls: Bare tuck-pointed bricks often of two tones.
Windows: Double-hung or casement; use of leadlight; quite often bay windows; use of transom windows of coloured glass.
Doors: Leadlight in upper part of the door, possibly also a leadlight surround.
Verandahs: Across at least part of the facade, sometimes a 'return verandah'; turned or planed timber posts with decorative timber work. Floor of patterned tiles.
Conservation of Haberfield's Federation Character
Ashfield Historical Society spokesman Vincent Crow led the fight in 1979 to save four Federation houses in Haberfield from demolition for re-development. [5]
Tinenburra, 44-46 Barton Avenue, Haberfield (demolished, replaced by two-storey house)
128 Dalhousie Street, Haberfield (demolished, replaced by two-storey house)
5 Kingston Street Haberfield (demolished, replaced by two-storey house)
21 Empire Street, Haberfield (demolished, replaced by two-storey house)
From 1975 Vincent Crow organised various activities which culminated in National Trust declaration of Haberfield Conservation Areas in 1978.
In 1979 the NSW Heritage Trust acted on the concerns of Vincent Crow and other Haberfield activists and visited Ashfield Council to encourage a Local Environment Plan for Haberfield.
In 1980 the Haberfield Association was formed and in 1981 already had 139 members. [5]

Haberfield’s Heritage Listing
1978: Two areas in Haberfield were listed by the National Trust of Australia (NSW) as conservation areas. The Trust recognised Haberfield’s heritage significance.
1979: All of Haberfield was listed as a ‘classified’ conservation area- the Trust’s highest listing. National Trust ‘listing’ is only advisory and has no legal force.
1985: The Haberfield Heritage Conservation Area was gazetted in the Ashfield Local Environmental Plan by the NSW State Government. This is legally enforceable.
1990-91: Haberfield was listed on the Register of the National Estate. This register was only advisory and had no legal force. It has been superseded by the Commonwealth Heritage List on which Haberfield has not yet been listed.
1999: The NSW government established the State Heritage Register.
2002: The Minister for Planning, Andrew Refshauge, announced that the process had begun to list Haberfield on the State Heritage Register.
2013: The Haberfield Heritage Conservation Area is listed in a Local Environmental Plan. Legally, it is seen to be of local rather than State or National significance.
Read more at the Haberfield Association

Haberfield Federation Houses listed under the NSW Heritage Act
1. The Bunyas 5 Rogers Avenue Haberfield NSW
The Bunyas was the home of Haberfield developer Richard Stanton and is the largest house from the Federation period in Haberfield.
English Arts & Crafts influence is seen in its large roof with tapering chimneys and in the rough-cast work on the facade.
However American Shingle Style is evident in the timber shingles on the main gable.
The Bunyas is one of Sydneys finest Federation properties offering a palatial family home set amongst generous rolling grounds.
The main two-storey home was commissioned by Haberfield pioneer Richard Stanton circa 1900 in the then-modern Arts and Crafts style with dominant roof.
"Unparalleled in grace, style and historic legend, The Bunyas graced the pages of Home and Garden Beautiful magazine in 1913, at which time it was described as the largest and most complete cottage residence in the state."
In the 1980s The Bunyas was threatened with demolition and Vincent Crow applied to the new NSW Heritage Council for an order staying demolition which was granted in September 1982.
In 1984 The Bunyas was purchased by the Scouts' Association and a new wing in Federation style replaced the old servants' quarters wing.
The seven bedroom estate was sold for $5,250,000 in Sep 2012 and is now a private home.
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2. Derrylyn 6 Deakin Avenue, Haberfield NSW
Derrylyn, built in 1910, is a large single storey federation cottage of two-tone bricks with a fine slate and terracotta roof punctuated by numerous tall roughcast chimneys.
The building is prominently sited on the corner of Dalhousie Street and Deakin Avenue, Haberfield. It retains many of its original features.
An Interim Conservation Order was placed on it on 11 December 1981 with the agreement of the new owner a Permanent Conservation Order was placed over the property on 2 December 1983.
This substantial and handsome house, a characteristic example of the Federation Queen Anne style of architecture, is probably the work of Richard Stanton's architect D Wormal.
It has been maintained in excellent condition, characterising the style and detailing of the ideal Haberfield house.
The property remained in the ownership of the Gillies family for more than 57 years.
Well-designed and appropriate additions of carport and pool enhance the beauty and amenity of the property.
A corner residence, it is single-storeyed and built of tuckpointed cavity face brickwork in red-brown with brown bands.
It has a slate roof with terra cotta trim including gable apex terminals.
The roughcast chimneys have brick tops and terra cotta pots.
The roof has a main hipped form from which several gabled wings project, two of them towards Deakin Avenue and one towards Dalhousie Street.
They feature wide, bracketted gables with bullseye vents; the main one facing Deakin Avenue has a facetted bay window with a hooded window and another has a shingled tympanum.
The two verandahs have roofs continuing the main roof slopes at a slightly lower pitch, and have encaustic tiled floors with marble edges and elegantly bracketted timber posts
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NSW Heritage listing: 16 Deakin Avenue, Haberfield, NSW 2045
NSW Heritage listing: Derrylin, 16 Deakin Ave, Haberfield, NSW 2045
Other NSW State Haberfield Heritage Buildings:
Relay Test Centre,11 St Davids Road Haberfield NSW
St. David's Uniting Church, 51- 53 Dalhousie Street Haberfield NSW
3. Yasmar, 185 Parramatta Road, Haberfield NSW
In 1850 Mary Louisa Ramsay married Alexander Learmonth, who had been born in Scotland and had arrived in New South Wales in 1842.
Together they would construct the now famous Yasmar Estate (Ramsay spelt backwards), which to this day remains as one of the greatest homes of 19th Century Sydney.
In 1856, Ramsay and Learmonth commissioned architect John Bibb to draw plans for Yasmar house. The name stemmed from the Ramsay surname spelled backwards.
The house was built between 1856-8.
The house and garden face Parramatta Road on a crest between present-day Bland & Chandos Streets further west of Dobroyde House.
Built in the Victorian period, it is a symmetrical Georgian style residence but with cast iron pillars rather than columns on its verandah which encompasses it on 3 sides (Crow, 1997)
It is U shaped with the rear wings for servants' quarters and service rooms.
In 1877 Alexander Learmonth died in his garden at Yasmar, he was buried in the family vault at St David's Church. His wife Mary Louisa stayed there until 1891 (Crow, 1997)
The house's siting and garden layout was designed according to John Claudius Loudon's "Gardenesque" principles, including being set back from the main road, the serpentine carriage way, the siting of the stables, vegetable garden and offices.
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Yasmar is a rare surviving example of a mid-nineteenth century great house and garden. The estate had only three owners before it was transferred to government control during World War II, and has been empty since 1994.
Australia's first 'model suburb', from 1901 Haberfield was to help define how Australians sought to house themselves. It is now also a hub of Sydney's Italian community.

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Westconnex destroys 53 Haberfield Heritage homes
Haberfield was the first garden suburb developed, so very different to early Paddington," says Graham Quint, the National Trust's advocacy director.
"They incorporated gardens and larger houses and it was pretty well intact until WestConnex happened to it."
Some 427 residential and commercial properties are being acquired by the NSW government to build WestConnex,
with 78 homes in Haberfield knocked down to make way for the road,
including 53 in the suburb's Heritage Conservation Area. [7]

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Queen Anne in Haberfield Federation house design
asymmetric, picturesque profile, tall front gable, turret or cone feature, complex roof structure, often a gable over each room
red-brick walls, two toned bricks for front and side walls
The massed building volume is at the front of the house
white-painted trim, sash windows, often with coloured glass multi-paned transom windows above, bay windows, porthole windows
An Art Nouveau influence in the flowing, curving leadlight designs, the fretwork decoration, and decorative tiles featured on steps and fireplaces.
Australiana themes within and on the decorative exterior of the house.

5 Tressider Street Haberfield NSW
Extremely original Federation with an abundance of character and charm. Proudly held by the same family for 80 years. An absolute prime example of the era and offers fantastic potential for renovations, extension and making the home your own.
The home features high ornate ceiling, fire place, decorative joinery, leadlight and coloured glass, timber doors leading to front verandah, carpets over original floor boards waiting to be polished.
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Lochlins, now Westminster,
20 Stanton Road Haberfield NSW
This property has historical significance for its association with important local identities, William Nicholls and Thomas Nesbitt, and for its notable place in the development of Haberfield.
Architecturally it is a distinctive example of the Queen Anne style in a most pleasing corner setting.
It is also an excellent example of the trend since the 1970s towards restoration of original use and fabric conservation.
The property is Classified by the National Trust of Australia (NSW).
Last sold for $695,000 in November 1995.
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27 Yasmar Avenue, HABERFIELD
Original Federation with an abundance of character and charm.
Held by the same family for 60 years.
An absolute prime example of the era.
A corner location offers two home entrances with plenty of potential for those seeking property for home occupation.
Driveway leading to double lock-up garage and large leafy sunny rear garden.
Last sold July 2013 for $1,680,000

The home features high ornate ceilings, fire place, decorative joinery, leadlight glass and port hole windows, french doors leading to front verandah, concealed sliding timber doors and carpets over original floor boards waiting to be polished.
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Dobroyde Grange, aka Yaralla,
37 Dudley Street Haberfield NSW
A very fine and attractive house exhibiting the Queen Anne style of architecture, very likely an exemplar of the Haymarket Permanent Land, Building and Investment Company s architect.
It has been well cared for and was from the beginning and for most of its life in the ownership of the Hayhow family.
Single-storeyed, with brick walls on a sandstone base, and a hipped roof of slate trimmed with terra cotta including decorative ridges and terminals.
Designed in the Federation Queen Anne style of architecture: the characteristic L-shaped front has an impressive octagonal, pyramid-roofed and glazed bay with a mitred slate roof.
Between this and the other side of the facade is a verandah, surmounted by a gable having a shingled and panelled tympanum, all supported on paired timber posts with decorative infills and curvilinear tulip-motif brackets.
The verandah has brick balustrades with downswept curves infilled with steel balusters, and a glazed end.
The windows have casement sashes, leadight glazing and bullnose brick sills. The chimneys are pebble-dashed with brick embellishment and terra cotta pots.
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38 Dalhousie Street, Haberfield, NSW 2045
This ample house is a single-storeyed structure of tuckpointed face brickwork, with a hip and gable slate roof that has terra cotta hips, crenellated ridges and ridge terminals.
The main roof form has louvred gablet ventilators and shingle infills. The tall brick chimneys have rendered caps, terra cotta pots and roughcast panels.
There is a handsome wide arch, with label course. over the main front window.
There are two verandahs, with encaustic tiled floors, turned baluster friezes and timber posts.
The spacious garden includes dense mature planting and several trees.
Unspoiled & preserved, it's obvious this Federation residence has been lovingly revered. Modern updates balance with period detail. It's open for in/outdoor entertaining, but the old bones live on.
Stained glass, restored fireplaces throughout
Floorboards & 3.4m decorative ceilings
Ornate plasterwork, period-style baths
Sold on 28 Nov 2015 for $3,000,000
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Haberfield Arts and Crafts Architecture
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Arts and Crafts influences on Federation Architecture
The Arts and Crafts style came out of a movement to get away from mass-production and rediscover the human touch and the hand-made.
The architectural style was widely used in Australia during the Federation period and was characterised by

Add to this the Arts and Crafts roof:
A pitched roof in a steep pitch, with
overhanging eaves. Roofs will show the rafter ends under the eaves.
Windows are typically cottage style, with multiple small panes of glazing set in side-hung casements.
Dormer Windows
Feature Windows
Multi-paned windows
Arts and Crafts Doors
faceted bay windows,
stone bases and
tall tapered chimneys
coffered interior ceilings
extensive timber joinery indoors

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The Bunyas, “one of Sydneys finest Federation properties“
The Bunyas (1906 – designed by John Spencer-Stansfield) was Haberfield pioneer Richard Stanton's own house, commissioned circa 1900 in the then-modern Arts and Crafts Bungalow style.
The Bunyas featured in the pages of Home and Garden Beautiful magazine in 1913, at which time it was described as "the largest and most complete cottage residence in the state.”
The Bunyas is one of Sydneys finest Federation properties, a palatial family home set amongst generous rolling grounds.
The iconic main residence features a sweeping array of formal and casual living spaces.
Imposing traditional interior details combine with contemporary finishes to create a unique living environment steeped in history and elegance.

Loch Galli, 18 Stanton Road, Haberfield, NSW
Loch Galli is an excellent example of Richard Stanton s high standard of domestic design and town planning in Haberfield; an ideal image of his model suburb.
It is a large picturesque house set in spacious grounds, occupying a double block and reflecting the garden suburb concept.
The property has ownership associations with well-known citizens of Ashfield including the widow of Sir Arthur Renwick, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sydney, and her family.
It is also a significant example of the extensive work of John Spencer-Stansfield, architect for the Haberfield Garden Suburb.
The property is Classified by the National Trust of Australia (NSW)
Last sold March 1983 for $230,000
ESTIMATED VALUE RANGE $2,200,000 - $2,899,999
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'Woodrow Vale' 40 Dalhousie Street, Haberfield NSW
A handsome and ample residence on a large site. It is a distinctive design in the Federation Arts and Crafts/Queen Anne style of architecture.
It also has an interesting history and associations.
Meticulously restored and renovated, 'Woodrow Vale' is a grand mansion bearing all the classic hallmarks of its Federation pedigree.
The 1526sqm of private park-like grounds includes a freestanding two bedroom home ready for extended family or guests.
Idyllic in-ground pool set amid landscaped gardens and palms
Main home features superb formal and family living rooms
High end gas kitchen includes a walk-in plus butler's pantry
Home office, oversized bedrooms, ensuite, modern bathrooms
Sold on 17 Sep 2015 for $3,800,000

This substantial house is a single-storey brick building, an eclectic design in the Queen Anne/Arts and Crafts styles of architecture.
Facing east to Dalhousie Street, its front is almost symmetrical, with two gable wings flanking a verandah and another at one end, and projecting from the main gabled roof.
Each gable has a decorative apex panel. The roof has terra cotta tiling with crested ridges and gable terminals.
The brickwork is tuckpointed and has roughcast render above door head height.
A casement bay window is in each gable wing.
A handsome four-light arched window faces the verandah, beside the front door.
The verandah has a slightly lower-pitched roof, tiled floor and paired timber posts with decorative timber brackets.
The chimneys are roughcast, the front one emphasising the verandah corner.
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Haberfield Federation Bungalow style
The Bungalow style was usually a single-storey house with a prominent verandah, especially with the roof volume covering the verandah.
The Haberfield developer Richard Stanton first introduced the American style bungalow to Sydney in 1906.
The Rosebery Estate was established in 1912 by Richard Stanton.
In 1916 he erected a prototypical timber bungalow of California designd on his estate at Rosebery;
this bungalow style was widely adopted
speculative builders erected this new type of compact servant-less house across Sydney's new suburbs.

American influences on Haberfield Architecture
As Australia and California entered the new twentieth century, the importance of their Anglo–Saxon kinship would manifest itself most visibly in architectural styles.
The turn of the twentieth century marked a crucial moment when Californian artists and builders began to learn through journals and books, and with the arrival of idealistic immigrants to the West, of exciting new approaches to home building, craft and design.
The climate invites an out-of-door life.
The vegetation is magnificent and rare.
The atmospheric effects are too beautiful to be wasted.
These facts alone should suffice to determine the style of California dwellings, as they have already done in several countries of similar situation. [8]
Bungalow characteristics:
Verandahs with a combination of timber on brick or masonry columns,
Dominant low-pitched wide roof and gable(s), stucco detailing - Bungalow style
Sandstone foundations in NSW and WA, stone wall cladding in SA
Single Storey, ground hugging, low chimneys
Commodious verandahs
Use of ‘natural’ materials -stone. timber, pebble-dash
Detailed high quality finishes within front rooms
Ceiling mouldings, Moulded architraves
Multi-paned and coloured casement or sliding sash windows
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Haberfield's Federation Bungalows
Only two "bungalow" properties, 'Loch Galli' and 'The Bunyas' are heritage listed
With hindsight, some of the later Haberfield houses are Federation bungalows because they have a large verandah enclosed by a dominant roof, not fitted with a separate verandah roof.
Houses with tall hipped roofs (smaller ridge line than the width of the building) are Federation bungalows;
If the roof ridge is about the width of the building, the style is American, leading to the characteristically wide "Californian" gable at each end of the long roof.
Bungalows should by definition have 'low' roofs, but such roofs only gained popularity after 1918 when building materials were scarce.
The Bunyas, illustrated at right, clearly has a long bungalow roof across the width of the house.
So this building has all these influences:
Queen Anne gables and picturesque design with bay windows
Arts and Crafts dormer windows (hidden), pebble-dash chimneys, and massed windows
Shingles on centre gable
Dominant bungalow roof, short chimneys and ground-hugging style

Congewoi, 8 Kingston Avenue, Haberfield NSW
Congewoi has a lengthwise bungalow roof with an additional three side gables, displaying the wide "Californian bungalow " gables at each end, in an "American" style.
Besides the enveloped verandahs and short chimneys which are characteristic of bungalow style, it also displays extensive use of "American" shingles in the large gables
Below left is a 1907 photograph from "Tours of Haberfield Part One" clearly showing the long bungalow roof, the original fencing, and an Art Nouveau style corner gate.
The early gas lamp on the corner has since disappeared.
Vincent Crow points out the the Arts and Crafts style rough-cast work on the chimneys and gables, and an Art Nouveau influence on the curved timber verandah posts. [9]
Last Sold for $660,000 23 DEC 1998
Price estimate $2.8 million to $3.3 million (2018)

Illustrated below and on the right:
Frank Lloyd Wright's Warren Hickox home in Kankackee, Illinois, built in 1900, and one of Wright's taller gable designs, an early Prairie School design.

Milross, 11 Rogers Avenue Haberfield NSW
This Arts and Crafts bungalow is just behind Stanton's own home, The Bunyas, in Haberfield. It is reminiscent of Lloyd Wright's Prairie School design (see below).
One of Haberfield’s most significant landholdings, “Milross” is a stately 1928 bungalow residence set on a substantial 1500sqm double block, encompassing a rare north-south championship tennis court.
Retaining immense traditional charm, it’s blessed with grand proportions, traditional details and superb gardens.
The two-storey home accommodates five bedrooms, an office and 2.5 bathrooms, including an enormous whole-floor parents’ retreat with a living area, dressing room and ensuite.

Grand formal lounge and dining rooms flow through to casual dining space encompassing a granite Ilve gas kitchen.
A glass-embraced sunroom overlooks the sensational alfresco entertaining area with a pool (outdoor shower & WC) courtyard with water feature, lawn and towering gum trees.
Classic features such as a formal entry foyer, open fire, high ornate ceilings, leadlight windows and timber floors add enormous appeal.
Additional details include ducted a/c, abundant storage, a LUG and a porte cochere accommodating two additional vehicles.
Millross was built for Henry and Elsie Williams, and designed by architect A. Douglas Smith of Challis House, Martin Place, Sydney. They named the house after their sons Milton and Reginald Ross, and moved into it in 1929. [10]
Read more:
Tours of Haberfield Past and Present Part Three, Vincent Crow 2010, self-published, Haberfield
Sold on 14 Apr 2012 for $2,910,000

Loch Galli, 18 Stanton Road, Haberfield, NSW (1908)
Loch Galli is an excellent example of Richard Stanton's high standard of domestic design and town planning in Haberfield; this design is by architect John Spencer-Stansfield.
It is a large picturesque house set in spacious grounds, occupying a double block and reflecting the garden suburb concept.
The dominant Bungalow roof running the width of the building is clearly visible in the pictures below, with a "flying" cross gable facing the street.
Otherwise the house has many stylistic influences, notably Arts and Crafts tapered chimneys, American shingles in the gables, and tapered verandah posts supported on large brick columns.

These black & white photographs are from Vince Crow's book:
Located in Stanton & Son's Haberfield No 2 Subdivision, Loch Galli was built on this double allotment in 1908, to the design of John Spencer-Stansfield, and first occupied by John Buchanan.
From 1912 to 1917 it was the home of Lady Renwick, widow of Sir Arthur Renwick who, until his death in 1908 was a notable parliamentarian and, prior to that, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sydney.
From 1917 until 1962 members of the Everingham family lived at Loch Galli.
The property is Classified by the National Trust of Australia (NSW)
Last sold March 1983 for $230,000
ESTIMATED VALUE RANGE $2,200,000 - $2,899,999
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Felton, 52 Stanton Road Haberfield NSW

Felton was advertised by the Haberfield Proprietary Company in 1912 as a bungalow (see picture at left).
Note the dominant roof, which is still hipped (small, 'waisted' ridge-line), and the small verandahs. Arts and Crafts influences are strongly expressed in the roughcast walls and small bungalow chimneys.
The term "Bungalow" came to replace the nineteenth century term "Villa" as the new style of domestic "Cottage" represented by house design in Haberfield.
Most houses built from 1918 were termed 'bungalows'.
The original owners of Felton were James and Elizabeth Hill (nee Herring) who had moved from 44-46 Barton Avenue.
Felton was named after a Tyson property near Cambooya on the Darllng Downs near Toowoomba. James lived at Felton until 1923.
Keep Reading:
Federation Queen Anne style, prior Queen Anne style
Federation Arts and Crafts style, prior Arts and Crafts style
Federation Bungalow style, prior Bungalow style
archived at
[0] Construction (Sydney, NSW : 1938 - 1954) Wed 21 Apr 1943 Page 3
[1] History – Haberfield Association
[2] Haberfield | The Dictionary of Sydney
[3] Tours of Haberfield, Past and Present Part One - Vincent Crow 2002, self-published, Haberfield pp vii-viii
[4] History – Haberfield Association
[5] The Model Garden Suburb – Haberfield Association
[6] Haberfield: Disctinctly Australian, Vincent Crow 1997, self-published, Haberfield
[7] Westconnex: What Could Go Wrong? - Australian Financial Review - Sep 23 2016
[8] 1910s: The bungalow from California to Australia, Chapter 5
[9] Haberfield Tours Past and Present, Part One, Vincent Crow, 2002, self-published, Haberfield page 65
[10] Tours of Haberfield Past and Present Part Three, Vincent Crow 2010, self-published, Haberfield, page 207.