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Federation Queen Anne style
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The Major Federation Style:
Queen Anne Style
Federation Queen Anne Style is the product of the UK Queen Anne revival style applied to the Edwardian Style in Australia

Above: Adcote, Shropshire, 1876, by Richard Norman Shaw

above: Chigwell Hall, Essex, 1876, by Richard Norman Shaw

Lowther Lodge, headquarters of the Royal Geographical Society, 1873 by richard Norman Shaw
'Alba Longa', a very exuberant example of Queen Anne style architecture at Appian Way, Burwood

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See also Queen Anne or Federation Queen Anne?
Below left: Caerleon, located in Bellevue Hill, Sydney, was the first Queen Anne Style home constructed in Australia.
Yes they are fussy buildings, but they're also great fun to see!
Look at the whimsy, the theatricality!
How many other Australian Houses give so much satisfaction to the viewer?
Can you see an elaborately dressed woman with a laced bonnet in her features?
The Queen Anne style promoted 'Sweetness and Light' and shows a feminine decorative influence, compared to the more muscular Federation Bungalow style with its solid turned verandah columns.
Queen Anne and Federation Queen Anne styles
Queen Anne style originated in England with architect Richard Norman Shaw, and grew very popular. Many immigrant architects in Australia knew the style well.
Federation Queen Anne style was the term commonly applied to the design of houses in Australia from the late 1880s through to the early twentieth century. since English architects varied the style for Australian conditions. e.g. much smaller designs, verandahs.
It was the dominant style in Victorian domestic architecture during the decades immediately before and after 1900 and was applied to both large and modest dwellings.
Queen Anne style was originally an English revival of both traditional rural design and elements from a range of periods, such as Elizabethan and Jacobean; this style was seen in the work of English architects such as Norman Shaw.

Above: Cragside is the 1869 prototype of Queen Anne design, by architect Richard Norman Shaw.
Cragside is a Victorian country house in Northumberland, England,
It was the home of William Armstrong, first Baron Armstrong, founder of the Armstrong Whitworth armaments firm. An industrial magnate, Armstrong also displayed his inventiveness in the domestic sphere, making Cragside the first house in the world to be lit using hydroelectric power.

Above: A Queen Anne style house in Frognal UK, built for Kate Greenaway
by Richard Norman Shaw
This ‘Old English’ style became popular in the United States and influences of both English and American Queen Anne can be seen in a distinctly Federation Queen Anne style which developed in Australia.
Federation Queen Anne style
The Federation Queen Anne style is predominantly a domestic style; these houses were designed in
a picturesque manner with asymmetrical forms,
dominant and complex roofs with multiple gables,
conical towers,
dormer windows and tall chimneys.
Within the City of Stonnington a small number of Federation Queen Anne style houses are included in the Heritage Overlay on an individual basis. These are usually described as Queen Anne, rather than Federation Queen Anne, and include:
Darnlee, 33 Lansell Road, Toorak (HO69 & VHR H1024) c1899
Edzell, 76 St Georges Road, Toorak (HO101 & VHR H0691) 1892
Redcourt, 506 Orrong Road, Armadale (HO166) 1887
Chesterfield, 6 Mayfield Avenue, Malvern (HO275) 1891 [1]

Above: Edzell, 76 St Georges Road, Toorak designed in 1891 by Reed Smart & Tappin
Queen Anne, or
Federation Queen Anne?
The earlier red-brick Queen Anne style was usually a two-storey residence, with a turret, and without extensive verandahs.
Federation Queen Anne houses were often single storey, a complex roof and sprawled over large suburban sites.
They share a basic set of materials:
usually red brick for walls,
timber for verandah posts and decoration,
half-timbering with roughcast in the gable ends, and
terracotta tiles, or less commonly slate tiles,
with decorative terracotta ridge capping and finials for the roof.
Other typical Federation Queen Anne characteristics include
a variety of bay windows,
multi-paned windows with decorative leadlight coloured glass and
diagonally projecting corners
with surrounding verandahs, particularly on corner sites.

Above: Art Nouveau styles in Federation Queen Anne houses in Malvern VIC
A number of leading Melbourne architects designed houses in the Federation Queen Anne style particularly in the 1890s and 1900s and it was commonly adopted in the City of Stonnington in developing suburbs, such as
Malvern and
Glen Iris,
and in wealthy, established areas, such as
Armadale and
Architects associated with this style include
Australian Federation Queen Anne Style
As described by Vincent Crow, Haberfield Historian ("National Trust Heritage Festival 2013: Haberfield Garden Suburb")
illustrations from Roscraig, 21 Mortimer Avenue Mount Stuart, Tasmania;
Federation Roofs
Gabled, high-pitched roof
made of slate or terracotta tiles.
surmounted by terracotta ridging with finials,
tall chimneys
Federation Walls
Bare, tuck-pointed bricks often of two tones
'Face' red bricks across the facade
sometimes browner 'town' bricks on side walls
Federation Windows
Double hung, or casement;
formal rooms have leadlight glass windows
bay windows to the front;
fanlights and transom windows of coloured glass
Federation Doors
Doors have leadlight in upper part of door,
may have leadlight glass in surrounding door-set
Federation Verandah
Verandah across at least part of the facade (frontage)
Later homes often have a 'return' verandah;
Square or turned verandah posts with decorative timber work
Floor of patterned tiles
Federation Style In General
Usually asymmetrical design ('picturesque'),
Formal bedroom projects forward from house
The massing of the building (eg most features) toward
the front of the house -
Art Nouveau influence evident in the flowing, curved
designs of leadlight, tiling, and timber fretwork -
Nationalistic representations both within the interior
and on the exterior of the house
Federation Style Outside
Steeply pitched roofs, with at least one gable end facing the street and often an octagonal turret
widespread ornamentation, including terracotta ridge cappings, finials, dragons and gargoyles (more so in Victoria);
fretted frieze panels and post brackets, squared verandah posts,
chimney cornices and terracotta pots
leadlight windows and fretwork featuring patterns ranging from geometric to extravagant art nouveau designs -
Federation style Inside
Ceilings often divided into panels ornamented with plaster straps and shallow patterns with (delicate) Art Nouveau motifs
frequent use of timber panelling on lower walls in front rooms
fire-places and ingle-nooks (seated fire surrounds).
Walls with picturerails and sometimes wall-paper, using Art Nouveau patterns
pressed metal or painted plaster - Source
Distinctive Federation Features:
Front verandas with elaborate timber decoration
Bay windows using quadruple casements,
Tiling on the patio floor and entry paths
Brickwork in a deep red or dark brown, often with a mix of the two
Roofs of typically slate or terracotta tiles with decorative gables,
Roofs have timber features, motifs, tall chimneys and fretwork
Decorative leadlight windows
Circular windows (known as bulls-eye windows)
Some prominent examples are:
in Haberfield, a suburb of Sydney, which showcases about 750 architect-designed Federation homes, all different, now heritage protected -
- see the work of Vincent Crow -
Homes, in Appian Way, Burwood, Sydney
'Colonna' 304 Burwood Road
'Olevanus' 6 Appian Way
'Amalfi' 2 Appian Way
'Vallambrosa' 19 Appian Way
'Mevania' 7 Appian Way