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Federation Houses of NSW

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Federation Housing Architects of Sydney
1. Federation Architects of Sydney
2. Federation mansions in NSW and their Architects
3. Major NSW houses of Federation Queen Anne Style
4. Major NSW houses of Federation Arts and Crafts Style
1. Federation Architects of Sydney
Featured on the previous page: Federation Architects of NSW
John Horbury Hunt (1838 Canada - 1904) Biography
Walter LIberty Vernon (1846 UK - 1914) Biography Legacy (NSW Govt Architect)
Sir John Sulman (1849 UK -1934) (also a Town Planner) Biography
Jack Hennessy (1853 Ireland?-1924) Hennessy and Hennessy Biography
William Richards (1854 UK - 1944) Biography
Varney Parkes (1859-1935) Biography
Howard Joseland (1860 UK - 1930) Biography
Edward Jeaffreson Jackson (1862 UK -1952) Legacy
Henry Budden (1871 - 1944) (1894 Sulman Award winner) Wikipedia
William De Putron - (1872 - 1925) Legacy Drawings
Thomas Pollard Sampson (1875 Launceston - 1961) Biography
BJ Waterhouse (1876 UK - 1965) Biography
2. Federation mansions in NSW and their Architects
Gower, 12 Coogee Bay Rd, Randwick
by Architects Hennessy and Hennessy
Left: Gower, 12 Coogee Bay Rd, Randwick, NSW , Australia
Statement of Significance
Gower, located at 12 Coogee Bay Road, Randwick, was designed by the prominent architects Hennessy and Hennessy, and has aesthetic significance as a fine and intact example of the Federation Queen Anne style, erected c 1912-15.
The house is particularly important for its interior features. The original layout is enhanced by the intact details and fixtures.
Externally, the asymmetrical composition and emphasis on gable, slate roofed components are dominant features. The dichromatic face brickwork and bay present a striking street frontage.
The house has historic and social significance as a grand residence once typical of the built environment and gentry of the Randwick district.

Art Nouveau leadlight windows

Art Nouveau leadlight windows

Exterior view showing Queen Anne style red brick with white painted timber framing.

Art Nouveau leadlight windows
Babworth House, 103 Darling Point Road, Darling Point, Woollahra
by Architects Morrow and De Putron
Left: Babworth House, 103 Darling Point Road, Darling Point, Woollahra
Designer/Maker: Morrow and De Putron
Builder/Maker: Messrs W Gawne and Son
Construction Years: 1912 - 1915
Statement of Significance
Babworth House is one of the largest, finest and most intact examples of an early twentieth century grand house in Australia.
It is of national significance both historically and aesthetically.
Babworth House is an excellent and rare example of the Federation Arts and Crafts style in grand domestic architecture in Australia.
The quality and uniqueness of the exterior and interior detailing, incorporating both Art Nouveau and neoclassical motifs and forms is of a standard and scale rarely seen in domestic architecture.
The workmanship and detailing of the external cement render work is of national significance technically.

Fairwater, 560 New South Head Road, Double Bay, NSW
by Architect John Horbury Hunt
Left: 560 New South Head Road, Double Bay, NSW 2028
Designer/Maker: John Horbury Hunt (1882) & J. W. Manson (c.1910/11)
Builder/Maker: Post 1910 alterations undertaken by Stuart Bros.
Construction Years: 1882 - 1970
Fairwater, sits on more than 8000 square metres of prime harbour-front land, has been estimated to be worth more than $100 million.
Statement of Significance
Aesthetically, Fairwater is an excellent and rare example of the combined works of John Horbury Hunt and James Williamson Manson, the architect who sympathetically enlarged the Hunt era house to a form that is basically seen today.
The roof is a series of timbered gables with battened ends and pebble dash finish. These gables are the work of Manson and Pickering, architects, c.1910/11 and are in the Arts and Craft style embellishing Hunt’s simple form by a series of projecting bay windows, and balconies. Criteria c)
The exterior includes excellent examples of face brick work with rusticated sandstone details, while the interior retains period finishes and fittings such as stained glass picture windows, painted ceiling, decorative mosaic floor, door leafs and door furniture, panelled walls, and chimney-pieces which are now rare in consideration of their integrity and quality.
The grounds contain an extensive system of sandstone retaining walls which is significant in consideration of its age and rarity, and a number of mature trees (such as a Bunya Pine, Port Jackson Figs, Silky Oaks, Camphor Laurels, and Jacarandas), dating, in part from the initial European improvement of the area following subdivision. (Clive Lucas, Stapleton & Partners Pty Ltd, 1999)
Following the death of Lady Fairfax in 2017, it has been reported that Fairwater was sold for $100 million.

Fairwater, the residence of Mr. Fairfax, New South Wales, ca. 1920

The Highlands, 9 Highlands Avenue,
Wahroonga, NSW
The Highlands is one of the last houses John Horbury Hunt ever built.
The Highlands was completed in the 1890s as a private residence for Alfred Hordern.
It is regarded as one of the finest examples (and, by some, as THE finest example) of his original shingled style. He was certainly at the height of his powers when he designed it.
Unlike many of his contemporaries, Hunt had extensive experience in the building crafts and personally oversaw all aspects of construction. His meticulous approach to workmanship is apparent in every structural detail of the house.
The house displays many of the elements common to Hunt's Shingle Style houses, including recessed verandahs and sweeping skirts to deposit water well away from the walls.
In contrast to these common elements, Highlands also displays several unusual features, a half-glass door and distinctive chimney stack being the most prominent.
Statement of Significance
Highlands is a fine example of John Horbury Hunt's interpretation of the Shingle Style. The house displays many of the elements common to Hunt's Shingle Style houses, including recessed verandahs and sweeping skirts to deposit water well away from the walls. In contrast to these common elements, Highlands also displays several unusual features, a half-glass door and distinctive chimney stack being the most prominent.

Hollowforth, 146 Kurraba Road, Neutral Bay, NSW
by Architect Edward Jeaffreson Jackson
The Avenue is named after the house which was designed by architect, E. Jeaffreson Jackson in conjunction with S. G. Thorp for Professor Threlfall and completed in 1893.
According to the North Sydney Heritage Study Review Inventory, “this is a dramatic and innovative architectural statement in the shingle style by one of the leading architects of the Federation era”.
Hollowforth was then subdivided into two flats in the 1980s.
The roof structure was partially damaged by a fire in 1994 but subsequently reconstructed to original detail.
Of particular note are the undulating stone garden walls that surround the symmetric picturesque design.
Note the shingled wall surfaces, numerous stopped hips, dormer windows and
massive brick chimneys on the roofline and
exposed timber beams of the projecting first floor.
Left: Hollowforth, 146 Kurraba Rd Neutral Bay NSW
Statement of Significance
A dramatic and innovative architectural statement in the shingle style by one of the leading architects of the Federation era, E. Jeaffreson Jackson. Hollowforth joins with a number of Horbury Hunt's commissions to represent the finest examples of this style within the State.
Hollowforth was completed in 1893 as the home of Professor R. Threlfall. The house was designed by E Jeaffreson Jackson in association with S G Thorp.
Two storey with attic rooms brick house of a symmetric picturesque design with large wall areas of timber shingles.
It incorporates undulating stone garden walls, the theme of which is carried through into the fluid geometric pattern of the shingled wall surfaces.
The roofscape is composed of numerous stopped hips, dormer windows and massive brick chimneys, while the projecting first floor is carried out on exposed timber beams. Lower walls are face brick with sandstone base.
The interior contains several fine Art Nouveau features such as the leadlighting, tapered stair balusters and joinery details. It has been subdivided into flatlets and rented rooms for many years.
A billiard room with bedroom over, was added to the Garden front on the eastern elevation by architects Spain and Cosh in 1913 for the then owner A H Way, Esq.
This building is designed in the Federation Arts and Crafts style.
Divided into two units internally during the 1980s.
In 1994, the building, particularly the roof structure, was damaged by a fire and subsequently reconstructed to original detail

3. Major NSW houses of Federation Queen Anne Style
Ingleholme 17 Boomerang Street, Turramurra
by and for Sir John Sulman
Construction Years: 1895 - 1896
Listed by NSW Heritage branch
Red brick accented by white trimmed windows are in the Queen Anne style.
Old English vernacular is represented in the use of half-timbered gables and in the oriel windows.
The expansive roof extends down onto the verandah. French doors from the principal rooms open out onto the verandah and thence onto the garden.
The influence of Kerr and Stevenson may be seen in the configuration of the main spaces and principal rooms.
The drawing room features Adam detailing and an inglenook, a distinctive and ubiquitous feature of Sulman's domestic designs; it is the basis of the name 'Ingleholme'.

West Maling, Penshurst NSW
by Charles Halstead (supervising architect)
Statement of Significance
West Maling has a high level of aesthetic significance at a state level as one of the purest examples of the Queen Anne style of architecture existing today and it is thought to be the first of its type of residence built in Australia.
Its significance is enhanced by its retention internally and externally of virtually all the original joinery, its original driveways and part of its original gardens.
West Maling is one of the purest examples of the Queen Anne style. It is therefore likely to be a copy of an English residence.
The work of British Architect Norman Shaw is likely to have influenced its design.
Designer/Maker: Norman Shaw (attributed: likely to have influenced its design)
Builder/Maker: Charles Halstead (supervising architect)
Physical Description: Grounds and Garden
Constructed in a warm brick in English bond, it is a particularly attractive two storey residence featuring steeply pitched slate roofs, ornate brick chimneys, stained glass windows and Tudor influenced battening. The gable ends are of timber and stucco.
The verandah features timber posts with ornamental brackets and the chimneys rising high above the high gabled roof are a dominant feature. Admission to the house is through a massive cedar panelled front door set into a sandstone arch with Gothic flutings.
The entry porch is decorated with mosaic artistry. Interior doors are between three and four inches thick and have arched heads set into inverted arch architraves which are said to appear more Medieval than Elizabethan.
A pair of stained-glass Inglenook windows date the building to AD 1889.
West Maling's significance is enhanced by its retention internally and externally of virtually all the original joinery, its original driveways and part of its original gardens.
It has historical associations with Albert Bythesea Weigall, the first headmaster of Sydney Grammar School, having been built in 1889 for his residence.
The site has acquired social significance at a local level for its continued use by the Revival Life Centre as a church since the 1980s and prior to this time its use as a monastery.

Vallambrosa 19 Appian Way Burwood
William Richards, Master Builder 1854-1944:
A builder of federation arts and crafts style houses in Sydney and the southern highlands of NSW from 1880 to about 1940.
He designed and built the houses of the heritage listed Appian Way in Burwood as well as mansions for the Hordern family.
'Vallambrosa' 19 Appian Way - Queen Anne style roof treatment, with Arts and Crafts features (eg wonderful chimney treatment)
Appian Way Precinct 2-25 Appian Way
The Conservation Area is one of the finest examples of intact Federation Queen Anne housing and streetscape, listed by the National Trust of Australia (NSW) as:
“probably the finest Edwardian bungalow precinct in Sydney.
By virtue of its architectural cohesiveness, idyllic landscaped environment of street and allotment alike with community related sports reserve, this development sets a high standard by today’s criteria”. (National Trust, 1977
Alba Longa, 4 Appian Way Burwood
The Appian Way Precinct is of State significance as a representative of an innovative approach to residential development that contains outstanding examples of Edwardian and Federation architecture in a garden setting.
The houses in the Precinct, are consist of timber verandahs, dark brick, multipitched and gabled roofs and are alternatively covered with marseilles tiles and slates.
Burwood's (NSW) 'Alba Longa' has a Gothic tower, red brick walls and white-painted window woodwork.
Even the garden is period style, the better to see this fanciful home
"In a street full of grand federation homes Alba Longa stands as one of the best. Set on approx. 1796 m2 of formally landscaped grounds it overlooks the community owned Appian Way tennis courts & Pavillion"
"The home has been cleverly restored, extended & beautified"

Burwood's 'Alba Longa' in Federation Queen Anne style.

Hazeldean 14 Burns Road Wahroonga NSW (1898)
See also archived post Hazeldean, Wahroonga
'Hazeldean' c1898, A landmark family residence.
'Hazeldean' c1898 is an expansive Queen Anne style family residence showcasing an award winning heritage restoration, championship tennis court and heated pool majestically poised over 3,422sqm of finely landscaped gardens.
Originally a country guesthouse designed by Varney Parkes
Distinguished formal lounge and dining rooms and grand hall
This house, a heritage item in a National Trust Urban Conservation Area, is an award-winning project, having won the 2002 Ku-ring-gai Municipal Council Heritage Awards: Best Restoration in the over $300,000 Category.
Varney Parkes
In 1898 the builder and developer George Boyne commissioned architect Varney Parkes to design a guest house on the site.
An article in the Sydney Mail on 21 December 1904 described the grounds of "Hazeldean" as being "tastefully laid out in lawns, flower gardens and shrubbery, lawn tennis and croquet courts".
The building had 30 rooms and "out offices" which, by 1904 had apparently proved inadequate as the then manager was completing the erection of a detached suite of four rooms in brick.
The photographs accompanying the 1904 article show that the building was roofed in split timber shingles and that the verandah on the south-east side of the house was open with full-height verandah posts and that the tennis court was located to the east of the house.

4. Major NSW houses of Federation Arts and Crafts Style
Booloominbah, 60 Madgwick Drive, Armidale, NSW 2350
designed by Architect John Horbury Hunt
Booloominbah is of NSW State heritage significance as one of the largest private country houses built in Australia during the 19th century and amongst the most avant-garde domestic Arts and Crafts style designs of the time.
Designed as an interpretation of an English country house, Booloominbah sits in a relatively intact landscape.
As such, it is exemplary of the work of architect John Horbury Hunt. As well as being large, it is also extravagant in decoration, in particular the use of stained glass.
The fabric substantially demonstrates the wealth and influence of pastoralism in NSW in late 19th century.
Its gift by Thomas R. Forster was the catalyst for the establishment of the New England University College, the first in Australia to be located outside of a capital city.
The gift of such a substantial house demonstrates the historical circumstances of the White family's involvement, the impetus from the local church and community groups, and the 'new state' movement in establishing Armidale as a major educational centre in NSW. (Clive Lucas Stapleton & Partners 1992)
Booloominbah sits in a landscape of an English country estate, including two drives, a gate and inner gate, a dam and a deer park below to its south.
The main drive is flanked by a double avenue of English elm trees (Ulmus procera). The location of the second drive is marked by a section of remnant hedge.
The deer park and house are surrounded by a collation of mature trees including 'English' (European) elm (Ulmus procera), poplars (Populus spp.) and many more.
Booloominbah is surrounded by three distinct gardens: the north, south and east. The northern garden is boarded by a hedge and is predominantly a lawn area. The garden is intersected by 1990s path.
The gardens to the south and east are lawns interspersed with mature trees, including (to the south) a Bunya pine (Araucaria bidwillii), Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica) and Chir/Himalayan pine (Pinus roxburghii).
A 1992 report indicates there was a rose garden located to the south of the house.
Booloominbah is probably the largest private house built in Australia in the 19th century. (Only the Vice-regal houses at Melbourne, Sydney and Hobart are larger.)
Booloominbah boasts four reception rooms, billiards room, business room, smoking room, five principal, seven secondary bedrooms, two dressing rooms, boudoir, four bathrooms, lavatory, night and day nurseries, together with reception and stair halls on a considerable scale. As well there are two secondary staircases.
The house's design by Australian standards is extremely avant-garde and smart for its date of 1883-8.
The artistic house made popular in England with teaching of William Morris and the Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood was not built in Australia much before the 1890s, except perhaps in cases where fashionable clients had their houses designed in England, e.g. Alton (1882) in Victoria by J.P. Seddon, and Caerleon in N.S.W. (1887) by Maurice B. Adams.


St Ellero, 5 Appian Way Burwood
Builder/designer William Richards
"St Ellero" is an Arts and Craft style bungalow with pebble-dash walls and chimneys -
Left: St Ellero, 5 Appian Way, Burwood NSW
Part of the unique Appian Way precinct, State Heritage listed, this twenty acres was conceived as a model housing estate.
George Hoskins dreamed of building his own housing estate to accommodate his business executives close to him. The estate was built on twenty acres and the homes were designed to a standard that would attract ‘respectable’ businessmen and professionals, residents who would be part of a harmonious social community having all the facilities desirable for a self-contained suburban lifestyle.
The curved roadway around a central recreational area is the main feature of the layout. Hoskins may have received his inspiration for this idea from The Parade in Enfield which was established in 1886.
dwelling size approx 580m2, land approx 1395m2
Six bedrooms, built ins, the master suite with gas fireplace, walk in robe, designer marble tiled ensuite and study area
The state heritage listed Appian Way has been described as one of the finest streets of Federation houses in Australia.
The picturesque houses create an asymmetrical, multi-gabled roofscape with a variety of materials used such as slate and terracotta tiles and feature varied designs. The houses are complemented with landscaped gardens, lawns and a nature strip with Brush Box trees -
Sold for $4,105,000 in 28 Aug 2010

Craignairn 37 Burns Road Wahroonga NSW (1909)
(Corner of Cleveland Street), Sold on 05 Nov 2013 for $6m by PRIVATE TREATY.
Craignairn, in Burns Road, was designed in the Arts and Crafts style by Howard Joseland for Walter Strang.
‘Craignairn’ is a substantial Inter-War period house constructed in 1908-1909 and
reconstructed in 1937, following a fire, to virtually its original configuration and appearance.
The building is located in the centre of a large site in a prominent location in Wahroonga NSW.
Craignairn, named after a house in Scotland, is a major domestic architectural work by Howard Joseland.
It was built in 1909, and, after a fire in 1937, it was faithfully reconstructed by architect Geoffrey Loveridge.
Craignairn is a substantial 2-storey Edwardian house in the Federation/Arts and Crafts style. It is visually remarkable for its attractive face brickwork and dramatic stone dressings.
The original owner, Walter Symington Strang, a merchant, and his wife, Evelyn Clara Mills, who founded the first woman’s Missionary Association and was a prominent member of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, were instrumental in establishing the St John’s Church, Wahroonga.
Later family owners extended kitchen gardens to the south of the house (now subdivided by the original family in 2003). The produce from these gardens supplied Neringah Hospital, in Wahroonga, during WWII. The property has gone through extensive restoration by the current owners since 2007.
Craignairn ownership remained within the same family from 1909 to 2003.
The house was originally built in brick and stone with timbered gables and stuccoed chimneys; the balconies and roof were originally covered with oak shingles, now replaced with terracotta tiles.
In 1937 the shingle roof caught fire. The house was totally rebuilt within the same year, with only minor alterations to the original design. These alterations were the modernisation of the kitchen, converting the central servants bedroom into another balcony, the conversion of the storeroom into two bedrooms, the conversion of the schoolroom into a bedroom, and the enlargement of the two upstairs bedrooms.

Romahapa, 22-24 Martin Road, Centennial Park, NSW
designed by Thomas Pollard Sampson
Left: Romahapa, 22-24 Martin Road, Centennial Park, NSW
Statement of Significance
Aesthetically significant as a substantial architect designed Federation Arts & Crafts style house, which makes a positive contribution to the streetscape.
It has group value as part of a group of grand houses from the same period due to covenant and siting restrictions which have ensured a high quality streetscape.
Street view, Romahapa, 22-24 Martin Road, Centennial Park, NSW
Located on a large block (essentially this is 22-24 Martin Road), this is a substantial two storey Federation Arts & Crafts style house with roughcast rendered walls, and a hipped and gabled slate roof with metal ridge capping, featuring a central rectangular chimney.
Features a two storey faceted bay window with timber shingled gable ends and spandrels. Plain timber framed casement windows and square fanlights.
Substantially intact except for aluminium framed window enclosure of recessed verandah.
Romahapa provides evidence of the 1905 subdivision of Centennial Park lands, intended to fund the landscaping and development of Centennial Park, and subsequent development phase.

Trevenna's History:
Philip Wentworth Wright was a grazier based at Bickham in the Hunter Valley.
In 1885 Wright purchased a parcel of approximately 90 acres of land from Joseph Pearce who in 1882 had purchased it from F.R. White.
The land was transferred to Wright's wife Eliza Jane in 1887.
John Horbury Hunt was commisioned to design the house to be built on the site.
Wright intended to retire to Armidale, however died in 1890 before the house was built.
From 1888 to 1890 Hunt produced a series of designs for the house.
Work on the final design commenced in about 1890 and was finished by March 1892.
Mrs Wright died in 1909 at the age of 89.
"Trevenna" passed to her grandson William Plumpton Wilson , who was married to F.R. White's daughter - Florence who died in 1960 and she willed "Trevenna" to the University of New England.
Modifications and dates:
1962 - repairs and alterations
1967 - roofing repaired
1980's - further renovations incuding kitchen refit
1988 - rewiring
1996 - hail storm damage repairs
2007 - external painting

Travenna, UNE Armidale 1889
Trevenna is the residence of the Vice-Chancellor of the University of New England, in Armidale, New South Wales, Australia.
The house was built in 1892 and is located off Trevenna Road on the western side of the main campus in Armidale.
There is no public access to the property or gardens, but the gardens have been open for public viewing, once in 1996 and twice in 2005.
Designed by Canadian-born, Boston-trained architect, John Horbury Hunt (1838–1904), Trevenna was originally the home of the Wrights, a prominent New England family of graziers.
Set in large grounds with long formal driveway and beautifully planted gardens.
The house itself comprises three storeys and features an imposing main entrance on the southern side.
It was originally built for Mrs Eliza Jane Wright. The homestead and its grounds were bequeathed to UNE as the Vice-Chancellor’s residence in 1960 by Mrs Florence May Wilson.
Trevenna is an outstanding late nineteenth century mansion. Various influences evident including the American Shingle style, Queen Anne and Arts and Crafts.
Complex form with four very different elevations.
One and two storeys with high pitched slate roof.
Tall brick chimneys. Stone foundations and stone rubble walls.
Brick arches to ground floor openings.
Many different window shapes and types with painted timber frames. Limited use of verandahs.
Some of the trees in its garden, including horse chestnuts, pines and planes, date back to the 1890s when Trevenna was built.
The garden is constructed on several levels. A sunken garden, complete with stone sundialand fish pond, is on one side of the house, while on the other a series of hedges encloses a private lawn.
The front garden slopes away into a series of hedges and wide perennial borders lead the eye across the Bellevue area of the University with the city of Armidale and Mount Duval in the distance.
Trevenna's gardens were the feature of a Woman's Weekly special in 1971.
"Trevenna" is clearly representative of the domestic architecture of Hunt. The residence has been designed in a unique style at a time when residential design was trying to break free of the Georgian mould.
The design features include natural local materials of timber, rock (basalt) and brick.
There are aspects of the design that reveal the innovative and unusual nature of Hunt's work such as the number of different arched openings that are located at random internally and externally without consideration of a theme or relationship to each other.
The continued use of "Trevenna" as a residence for around one hundred and twenty years has resulted in in "Trevenna" being in excellent condition. The integrity of the structure is sound with only minor alterations to the exterior of the building. Although there has been extensive interior remodelling, many of the original design features are extant.

The Highlands, 9 Highlands Avenue, Wahroonga, NSW
(1890-1893) heritage listed
“Highlands” was built in 1892‐93 for Alfred Horden and his wife, and was located on twenty‐four acres of land in the area between Edgeworth David Avenue, Myra Street, the railway corridor and Bundarra Avenue.
Highlands is an excellent example of the north American shingle style of building and is late nineteenth century domestic architecture of very high quality.
Built for Alfred Hordern in 1891, the house reveals J Horbury Hunt's mastery of timber and brick detailing, spatial composition and complex massing forming a harmonious unity.
A large two storey timber house built from 1891.
Essentially east coast north American style with roof and walls originally sheeted with timber shingles, those on roof have been replaced by cement tiles.
Main framing, including window openings, is New South Wales hardwood, window sashes and doors cedar.
The complex has a single storey kitchen wing, verandahs, balcony, tower and good brick chimneys.
Basic massing consists of two simple rectangular steeply pitched shapes, linked by a low service wing.
Highlands is significant as evidence of women shaping architecture. Mrs Caroline Hordern was a keen cook and the two-storey kitchen wing was heavily influenced by her.
The landscaping was also of her creation and Mrs Horden introduced many exotics from the Pacific Islands to adorn the garden.
This distinctive two-story house comprises two conjoining components. The prominent part is the house proper, the kitchen wing sits a separate pyramidal roof. The separation of these two functional centres was advanced for its time.
Both roofs were originally shingled, like the walls. The wall shingles curve out over verandahs and openings, to shed water away from the walls. This is a feature of several of Hunt's Shingle Style houses.
The verandahs are supported by massive timber posts, minimally decorated. The verandahs are recessed under the eves, another design element commonly used by Hunt.

The Gables, 16 Spruson Street Cremorne NSW
BJ Waterhouse design, built in 1920.
The Gables is a particularly fine Federation Arts and Crafts bungalow designed in 1921 by and for well-known architect B. J. Waterhouse and his family. They lived here for 12 years and sold the house in 1933.
It was influenced by the "shingle style" which was brought to Sydney by Horbury Hunt, and featured prominent gables and extensive use of shingles."
More Waterhouse designs appeared in Shellcove Road in the vicinity of heritage-listed The Cobbles and Brent Knowle.
Mornington, 16 Vernon Street Hunters Hill NSW
Designed by Henry Budden
See also archived page Mornington, Hunter's Hill
Federation classic, Mornington
A classic piece of Hunters Hill and Sydney history.
Plaster ceiling has Australian motifs
This Federation marine villa was designed and built to house the gentry of early Sydney and enjoys a majestic frontage to the Lane Cove River.
Designed by Hunter's Hill Architect Henry Budden in 1906 for Arthur and Ada Muddle(the house derives its name from Mrs.Muddle's fondness for the music of Lord Mornington).
This is perhaps Budden's finest house in Hunter's Hill.
5. Major houses of Federation Bungalow Style
Milton Park, 200 Horderns Rd, Bowral NSW 2576
Milton Park was built in 1911 by Anthony Horden (1889-1970) and named after the town of Milton on the south coast which was founded by his maternal grandfather, John Booth. The architects were Morrow & De Putron of Sydney.
The mansion was the focus of entertainment for many members of the Sydney "social set" of the time.
After the death of Anthony Hordern III's first wife, Viola, in 1929 and following his marriage in 1932 to Ursula Mary Bullmore, changes were made to the house as well as the gardens.
From 1960-1976 Milton Park was owned by King Ranch (Aust) P/L but Mr P Baillieu and his wife Edwina, a daughter of the Horderns lived there. From 1977 until 1984 the Baillieus remained at Milton Park.
In 1984 the property was sold and the then new owners, Drs Ron White and John Cooper initiated a program to establish the house as the cone of a country house hotel resort.
A picturesque Federation bungalow with European influences and Art Nouveau detailing. The deep verandahs have marble floors and steps, the walls are grey cement render. The roofs have big hips with an unusual octagonal tower.
Modifications and dates:
The mansion's original "Tudoresque" external embellishment was replaced with the more fashionable shingle treatment seen today about 20 years after it was completed.
The addition of a family room on the eastern side (c1960's) to main house. New accommodation wings (1980's), designed by the architectural firm Phillip Cox and Partners, were added for Hotel guest Suites.[2]

Milton Park aerial view

Milton Park aerial view
Cassa Tasso 14 Appian Way Burwood
Cassa Tasso is situated in the famous Hoskins Estate, (Appian Way) described by author Hugh Fraser as Australia's finest Federation Estate, build and designed by William Richards
Statement of Significance
A rare Edwardian 'garden city' bungalow precinct with excellent Federation Queen Anne and at least one Federation Arts and Crafts architectural and landscape detail, largely intact streetscape, around an unusual and beautifully landscaped oval, containing a resident-owned recreational and sporting facility.
who was instrumental in developing the steel industry in NSW.0
The design and construction of the estate was based on a vision of suburban utopia of its owner George Hoskins (who was instrumental in developing the steel industry in NSW) and builder/designer William Richards. -
Construction Years: 1903 - 1909
Federation Bungalow Home, Appian Way, Burwood, Sydney
The original Hoskins' Estate dating from the early 1900's consisted of 39 allotments, with 36 houses fronting Burwood Road, Appian Way and Liverpool Road plus a recreation reserve. The properties are large, ranging from a quarter acre to three-quarters of an acre, (0.1ha to 0.3ha) and irregularly shaped.
The Conservation Area currently comprises 41 houses, 31 of which are reasonably intact, a recreation area consisting of three lawn tennis courts with a weatherboard pavilion, and landscape elements such as street trees and picket fences.
Elegant leadlight bay windows, soaring ornate ceilings, original marble fireplaces, ducted air-conditioning and under floor heating, huge wrap-around verandah overlooking the residents private tennis courts pavilion and undercover parking for four cars.
10/05/2008 Government Notified Sale (Normal Sale) Residence $4,050,000