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The Architects of our Arts and Crafts style Houses in Australia
Arts and Crafts architects created some of the most thoughtful, beautifully crafted and inspired architecture in Australia's history.
See also Federation Arts and Crafts
Related: Arts and Crafts Garden design
See also Haberfield Arts & Crafts Style
Arts and Crafts Architecture
Between 1890 and 1930, a number of Australian architects and garden designers were heavily influenced by British and American Arts and Crafts movements.
Arts and Crafts buildings are unpretentious and informal, evoking an atmosphere of comfortable familiarity.
Queensland Federation style Architect and
Pioneering Arts and Crafts Architect
Robert Smith (Robin) Dods
Very few Queensland architects had contributed to the architectural advancement of their State.
Of these few, the work of Robin Smith Dods must be acknowledged the most original and vital. [1]
Robin Dods ‘produced some of the finest, most gracious and sophisticated buildings this country has seen; inventing a language that was locally responsive and internationally admired.
During his 20-year tenure with Hall & Dods, the firm he joined with Brisbane Grammar School chum Francis Hall in 1896, Dods designed about 650 residential, commercial and religious buildings. [2]
Robin Dods was a home-grown designer who “built" Brisbane, according to leading local architect and historian Robert Riddel. [1]
"Architect and Biographer Robert Riddel’s claim that Dods is “up there” with Edwin Lutyens, Robert Lorimer, Walter Tapper and Charles Voysey is no overstatement.’ [3]
Victorian Architects Ussher and Kemp
Iconic Federation style architecture
See also Federation Queen Anne style
See also Melbourne Queen Anne
Beverley Ussher and Henry Kemp were Melbourne Architects who formed a "brilliant partnership". Both Ussher and Kemp had strong Arts and Crafts commitments, and both had been in partnerships before forming their own.[1]
Beverley Ussher (born Melbourne 1868; d Melbourne, 9 June 1908) and
Henry (Hardie) Kemp (born in Broughton, Lancashire, UK, 10 March 1859; d Melbourne, 22 April 1946)
formed a partnership in Melbourne in 1899, which lasted until Ussher's death (1908).
Federation Architects of Sydney
Federation mansions in NSW and their Architects
Babworth House
The Highlands
Major NSW houses of Federation Queen Anne Style
West Maling
Alba Longa
Hazeldean (1898)
Major NSW houses of Federation Arts and Crafts Style
St Ellero,
Craignairn (1909)
Travenna, Armidale 1889
The Gables
Major houses of Federation Bungalow Style
Milton Park, Bowral
Cassa Tasso
The Highlands

Architects of Federation Housing in Victoria
Melbourne Architects
Architects Beverley Ussher and Henry Kemp were at the forefront of the development of the domestic Queen Anne in Melbourne and Australia.
Early buildings such as
Campion College (formerly Dalswraith) of 1906, (Studley Park Road, Kew) and
Woodlands of 1888 (Woodlands Street, Essendon)
were instrumental in the development of the style to suit the typical suburban form which reached its peak in the first decade of the twentieth century.
More Notable Arts and Crafts Houses in Australia
What to look for in an Arts and Crafts building
Australian Capital Territory Arts and Crafts Architecture
Queensland Arts and Crafts Style
Architect Robin Dods
South Australian Arts and Crafts Style
Northern Territory Arts & Crafts
Western Australian Arts and Crafts Style

NSW government Architect Walter Liberty Vernon
Early Arts and Crafts Houses in NSW
Architect John Horbury Hunt
Architect George Sydney Jones
Later Federation Era Arts and Crafts Houses of NSW
20th Century Arts and Crafts Designs
Architect BJ Waterhouse
Arts of Living - Arts and Crafts Houses
Glyn, 224 Kooyong Road, Toorak, 1908
Sir Edward Miller
Guyen Purchas
20th Century Arts and Crafts Designs
Harold Desbrowe-Annear
Architect Rodney Alsop
Arts and Crafts Arcitects in Melbourne
Architect Walter Butler