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Four Federation Styles
Federation Queen Anne - Federation Arts and Crafts - Federation Filigree - Federation Bungalow
[Previous Page: Edwardian Style ... Next Page: Federation Queen Anne style]

Federation Queen Anne style
The Federation Queen Anne style was designed to embrace the outdoor lifestyles of the Australian people.
The English "Queen Anne" style embraced red brick, white-painted sash windows, gables, small window panes, steep roofs and bay windows, mixed 'with skill and gaiety' - (from "Sweetness and Light, the Queen Anne Movement")
In Australia the Queen Anne style emphasised assymetrical design and...
Most homes have front verandahs with decorative timber features,
tiling on the patio floor and entry paths.
The brickwork is usually a deep red or dark brown, often with a mix of the two.
Window designs include oriels or bay windows, and small panes above main windows, with window timbers painted white
The roofs are typically terracotta tiles with decorative gables, motifs, timber features, tall chimneys and fretwork.
Decorative leadlight windows are also common, as are circular windows (known as bulls-eye windows).
Federation homes also have decorative internal features in the plasterwork, high ceilings and timber features.
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Federation Arts and Crafts style
The Federation Arts and Craft style had its origins in England, where architects were reacting to the impersonal nature of the Industrial Revolution.
Crafts and handiwork were emphasised to give architecture the "human touch".
These influences were absorbed into Federation Australia, where the resulting buildings were generally small-scale to medium-scale and predominantly residential.
As its name implies this Arts and Craft style was concerned with the integration of art into everyday life through the medium of craftsmanship.
There is a strong flavour of morality, with stress on the truthful use of materials and the honest expression of function.
Arts and Crafts buildings are unpretentious and informal, evoking an atmosphere of comfortable familiarity.
Outstanding examples are
Glyn, Kooyong road, Toorak, Victoria;
The Crossways, Martin Road, Centennial Park, New South Wales; and
Erica, Appian Way, Burwood, New South Wales.
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Federation Filigree
The Federation Filigree style is common in the hotter parts of Australia, especially in the north, since it is designed to create shade while allowing for the free flow of air.
It is a common sight in Queensland and is sometimes known as the Queenslander style.
Some outstanding examples are
Belltrees House, Scone, New South Wales;
Fairy Knoll, 2 Robertson Road, Eastern Heights, Ipswich, Queensland; and the
terrace of homes, east side of High Street, Millers Point, New South Wales.
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Federation Bungalow
The Federation Bungalow style was the Australian response to the bungalow style that was developed in America by people like Gustav Stickley.
(Gustav Stickley was a furniture manufacturer, design leader, publisher and the chief proselytizer for the American Craftsman style, an extension of the British Arts and Crafts Movement).
The Federation Bungalow can be seen as a transition phase between the Federation Queen Anne style and the California Bungalow style that took on later.
Stylistically, it exploited the qualities of the bungalow while frequently retaining the flair and idiosyncrisies of the Queen Anne style, although usually in simplified form.
Outstanding examples are
Nee Morna, Nepean Highway, Sorrento, Victoria;
Ranger's Cottage, Centennial Park, Sydney NSW; and
The Bungalow 39 Robertson Road, Moore Park, New South Wales.
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Queen Anne
Federation Queen Anne Style

Arts and Crafts
